Key Takeaways:

#SEO Website Audits: 
Importance of conducting SEO website audits to identify malware, optimise for search engines, increase traffic, and improve search rankings.

Technical and Off-page Audits**: The audits are divided into technical (on-site) and off-page (off-site) categories, with a focus on Google Analytics data, backlinks analysis, and understanding of website performance metrics.

Tools and Platforms: Google Analytics, Google Search Console, and other tools are essential for conducting thorough SEO website audits and understanding website performance.

Algorithm Updates: Google's algorithm updates like Panda and Penguin are mentioned, impacting search queries and website rankings, emphasising the necessity of audits to adapt to evolving algorithms.

Site Speed Importanc: Emphasis is placed on site speed as a critical factor for user experience, visitor retention, and search engine rankings, highlighting the impact of page speed on website performance.

Malware Identification:
 Malware threats are discussed, including various forms of infection and consequences like compromised performance, reduced traffic, and credibility issues, stressing the need for regular website audits to identify and mitigate malware.

Best Practices:
 Regular audits are recommended to maintain a secure website, safeguard brand reputation, and ensure an efficient online presence.
Kelly Hector LinkedIn
SEO Website Professional Audits

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